Craig and Lisa's
US-395, US-50, US-6, and US-95 Adventure

"One of the greatest motorcycle adventures of our time." -- MotoBytes

Day One: Whitney and Bishop | Home  

"Hi honey, let's go for a ride on America's Loneliest Highway"

06/05/05 - 06/12/05

2-Up Dual-Sport Adventure across 
Eastern Central California and 
Central Nevada. Lonely highways
ranch roads
, craters, diners, rain
half-frozen lakes
, ghost towns...

Trip Route
Overall Trip Map

Day 1 Whitney and Bishop  
Day 2 Bodie and SR-4 
Day 3 SR-88/89 Tahoe 
Day 4 US-50 and SR-722
Day 5 US-6 and Lunar Crater 
Day 6 &7 Death Valley
Day 8 Home

Total Trip 2100 Miles!! 46.9 MPG
 942lbs. Average Gross Vehicle Weight
