Multiple Day Adventure Rides & Plans from San Diego to Beyond

Home | San Diego Rides | Costa Rica

Completed Trips:

We took the Best Road to Alaska (May/June 2007) Report in Progress

11 Western States (May/June 2006)  

Grand Canyon/Bryce/Zion Ride (September 2005)  

California/Nevada Lonely Highways (June 2005)

See Also:

Costa Rica Adventures

Some Planned Routes:

Lower Sequoia Nat'l Forest to Big Sur Loop

BigSur.jpg (168031 bytes) A three and a half day ride for the Fall. 
Back road exit out of San Diego County, 
Big Bear, Nine Mile Canyon, Kennedy 
Meadow, Sherman Pass, Caliente-Bodfish Rd, 
Lake Isabella, Carmel, Big Sur, and more..

48/Plus Route Plan - 8786 Miles in 10 Days or Less 

48plus.jpg (186615 bytes) I worked out a route plan should I find myself with the 
drive or opportunity to complete the Iron Butt 48/Plus.
From what I have seen from others who have 
completed the ride, this one is within the typical 
mileage range.
49/Back Roads Plan - 9657 Miles in 25 Days / 2UP
49back.jpg (192610 bytes) After mulling over my 48/Plus plan for a while, I came 
up with a more realistic plan. A route to keep off the 
Interstates and Freeways as much as reasonably
possible, and bring along some company. Schedule
two oil changes and one drive tire change. Not at race
or rally pace. Enough time for photos, note; stuff you
need for a decent ride report!
