Rumor Control from "Hardtimes," Germany
A bulletin board for comments and rumors from the family and freinds of the "Deuce" can be found at our Message Board at Yahoo! Clubs.
- Archives below In alphabetical formation -
The administration/barracks building of the compound now houses foreign refugees. - Numorous print sources, 1/97
Harvey Auten, ex-24U and our defacto C btry, 3/71st ADA (NIKE) representative resides with wife Carina and son Brian in Turbotville PA. Excellent site at
http://home.ptd.net/~yevrah. - Sent email, 9/97
Ken Carroll, formerly SPC, (24C) lives in Phoenix, AZ.- Ross, 9/97
Craig Chaddock (24G SGT, Jul 85 - Mar 88) resides in San Diego with wife Lisa. - Origin, 1/97
Art Coon, (former 24C SGT) last heard, was still in the Army in Special Forces.- Ross, 9/97
Steve Fife formerly 24G SGT, lives in Colorado Springs.- Ross, 9/97
Forchion(sp?) (1LT) was a police officer in El Paso in 93.- Kruger, 8/97 & Ross, 9/97
SFC Duane Kruger, FredyKADA@aol.com, is stationed back in Germany again. Married to the Former Beate May of Hardheim, two children. - Sent email, 4/98
Ralph Livingston, Formerly SSG, (24C) lives in Michigan.- Ross, 9/97
Bob Mueller resides in Colunbus Ohio. Check out more at Bob's: http://www.infinet.com/~bmueller - Sent email, 7/97
George Poitras (rank unknown) is with Special Forces in Italy. - Crumlich, 9/97
SFC Raymond Rich (ret.) resides in White Bluff, Tennessee. - Chaddock, 1/97
Dan Ross, formerly 24C SSG (Hardheim Feb 87 - Sep 91). Now living in Aurora, CO and works as a technical recruiter. dross@dnvr.uswest.net - Sent email, 9/97
John W. Shropshire, Jr. left the service after 14 years of distinguished service in the Army and put out a nationally distributed exercise video (cable television also). Featured on network news in June '97. Passed away 9/97 Memorial Service - Chaddock, 6/97, Ross, 9/97 & Ayres, 4/98
SFC Teter redesignated 14T(?), stationed in El Paso. Happily married to Hardheimer Carina (Bachmann). Five children; three girls and twin boys. - Chaddock, 2/00 & Crumlich, 9/97
Christopher Von Hoene (married to Kerstin, whom he met in Hardheim) lives in Colorado Springs. He is a computer programmer. - Ross, 9/97
Bob Wilk, formerly 24R SFC, lives in Seattle, WA.- Ross, 9/97
Any rumors or comments to share? Or correct? Come on over to our Message Board at Yahoo! Clubs.