D "Delta" 6/52 ADA (IHAWK)
and special guests: C btry, 3/71st ADA (NIKE)
U.S. Army / Hardheim, GermanyWelcome to the Official Website of the 52nd Air Defense Artillery, 6th Battalion, Battery D (Delta Battery, Hardheim Post) Alumni Association (established 1997, updated June 07, 2010). Although Delta Battery is no longer at Hardheim, American soldiers who served the NATO forces overseas can still have a place to visit and share with old friends. Keep in touch: share your digitized photos, stories, memorabilia, about the first HAWK battalion ever deployed! Feel free to contact the Association Commander Bob Mueller or Webmaster Craig Chaddock.
Raytheon - Official Photos were provided for our site and are displayed in the IHAWK section. They are the best we have seen on the web so far!
CRETE - Video captures of the best firing unit in action at ASP 1986. Still photos from Crete.
Stories! - Check out new letters and remembrances of the old days.
Grüß Gott! - Herzlich willkommen auf der Homepage unserer USA-Kaserne. Unsere deutschen Freunde sind immer willkommen! Aber schreibt bitte auf englisch. Unser deutsch ist noch sehr schlecht! Anmerkungen und Geschichten von Hardheim sind hier sehr willkommen (Comments and stories from Hardheimers are welcome here). Wir wünschen ihnen viel spaß beim surfen auf unserer Seite!
Facebook Group - Immediate Message Posting and a Chat Room set aside solely for the use of Delta veterans, friends, and family.
Friday, October 17, 1997 - An article was published about this website in the Fränkishen Nachrichten. This is the newspaper of record for the region of Germany surrounding Hardheim. Special thanks goes out to Kurt May, our Hardheim Editor, for his efforts and expertise. Here's an English translation. This is a very special gesture from our former hosts in Germany!
http://www.thumbwave.com/d652ada/ - Site updated 06/07/10