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May/June 2007 "Ride to Skagway" - Dawson Creek to Muncho Lake
Day 11


Dawson Creek, BC
Muncho Lake, BC

Day 11, Saturday, June 9, 2007

Fabulous ride on the ALCAN! We were warned several times about the grated bridges. Craig added a few pounds to the front tire. I think Craig is pretty used to these from riding in Costa Rica. He pulled out his camera and shot some photos looking down while we were riding over one.

When you look straight down the bridge 
sort of "disappears" beneath you. Fun, but a 
little disconcerting the first few times. 

This road worker was even wearing a skirt! 
She didn't need a stop sign to get the 
guys to stop on this highway! 

We caught up to the old Fords and waved 
hello to our breakfast buddies! 

The ever changing weather for the day...

Met 5oh! and Greg in Fort Nelson 
(they spotted the ADV sticker on our bags). 
They're from Vancouver.

Funny self-portrait of Lisa and Craig!!

More scenes along the way...

Who took this one? 

Just past Summit Lake, where the 
heavy storm had left snow on the road.

Throughout the day we saw a Momma Black Bear with 2 cubs, a Momma Moose with her baby, and an owl catching his supper and flying next to us for a few minutes (his prey still kicking and close enough to see!) The mountains and lakes are so amazing - as gorgeous as the Alps and far wilder. It was a fabulous day from start to finish - great, partly cloudy weather, lots of wildlife. The scenery has been amazing, as we have seen both mountainous regions as well as long forested plains and rivers that have been flowing above their banks. There was a Coyote running off with a road-kill goodie for his supper, and deer and more deer munching all the greens on the roadsides.

The folded mountain was the biggest surprise! It's the area where the North America Plate and the Pacific Plate bash into each other, and the mountains are all bent and folded. Beautiful! Craig got a photo of the Mountain Goats, and there were lots of lovely views to be seen.

A Mountain Goat finding 
something tasty on the road.

Greg catches up to us 
somewhere near Toad River Post.

Craig calls this "obligatory bike corn" 
(or something like that)

We have had great food, and today was no exception. As a special treat we stayed at Muncho Lake's Northern Rockies Lodge, with a delicious Swiss/German restaurant. We were given a room in the old lodge that had no TV or phone - real vacation - and so we played Schnapsen after eating Schpatzli for supper and Bumbleberry Pie for dessert.

Someone was watching us eat!

The Northern Rockies Lodge at Muncho Lake does float plane tours!

> Go to Day 12 - 13
