San Diego to Skaqway

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2007 "Ride to Skagway" - Boomtown & Floriston
Day 4

Floriston, CA

2007 Western V-Strom Gathering


Boomtown, NV

Panorama of the Boomtown "Bullpen"

This was one of the best features of the Boomtown venue this year for the 2007 Reno V-Strom Gathering... all the bikes gathered together within easy walking distance of the rooms. Good security, etc. It became the impromptu meeting point for rides, bench racing, kicking tires, hanging out to all hours, comparing farkles... but best of all:

Putting a bike to a face

With forums we have often have  two names to remember. Often times we recognize bikes more than faces (people post more photos of their bikes than themselves). I feel like I got to know more people and will notice their threads more easily having seen them with their rides.

As much as the event improved this year, I have to give the award for most unexpected feature enhancement to the "Bullpen

Day 4, Saturday, June 2, 2007

In the wee morning hours four of us: Elizilla, Renojohn, Stinger96 and myself waited up to witness KaitsDad complete a Bun Burner Gold (1500 miles in 24 hours). We must have been a sight on the security camera as we stood around bs’ing in a circle (or square I guess) waiting around for close to an hour in front of the fuel pumps.

With the only mishap being the loss of some front rim wheel weights, he rolled in pretty much on schedule:

His firsthand accounts can be found at:

Hello, Y'all!! and 
Bun Burner Gold - Booked., Wonky and Kaitsdad have an adventure ..... Oy !!

Later that day I passed on the group rides (trying to save my oil and tire miles for the upcoming stretches north) and did a little urban exploration on some old roads paralleling I-80. I found a funny little town called Floriston that you have to access through a drainage culvert type of a tunnel under the railroad (only way in and out):

Across the Truckee River I found a fix for my Photomotocrapicus disorder that requires me to take pictures of my bike next to beasts of yesteryear:

I spent the next hour or so under a I-80 bridge (yes, a real troll I am) soaking my feet in the Truckee River and texting ListMakerLisa and thinking about our upcoming adventure.

I returned to Verdi and gathered a small possi to reserve BBQ space for the evening at Crystal Peak Park. The evening turned into a lot of fun. It was informal and easy to mingle around and see everyone. Renojohn gave everyone a chance to pipe in about the day's rides, and good stories and laughs were shared by all.

> Go to Day 5-6
